Annual Membership Dues
Management Executive Committee
Chairman / CEO | Tata. Nathaniel Mbebe Bebe |
Cultural Coordinator | Iya. Catherine Nwengella |
Secretary General | Tata. Adolf Esimo Ebile |
Assistant Secretary General | Tata. Ferdinand Moiti Kinye |
Treasurer | Tata. Henry Namata Dienga |
Chief Financial Officer | Tata. Daniel Esoe |
Public Relations Officer | Dr. Elvis Moleka |
Our Core Projects
News Updates & Publications
Issues that hinder the Oroko People at Home and Abroad
Mr. President of OCA USA Your Royal Highnesses; Distinguished Invitees; Dear Brothers and Sisters. I. [...]
Strengthening Collaboration with our Partners
In our July 2018 convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, JRFI-USA-INC. (John Retreat Foundation International USA, Inc. and with Gideon [...]
Empowering Bakundu Women in the Midst of Socio-Political Crisis in the SW & NW Regions
Workshop facilitator: Dr. Doreen Mekunda, Lecturer, University of Buea. The socio-political crises that have enveloped the South West and North [...]

The Bakundus. – The beauty of the people.
“If there is one thing to acknowledge of the Bakundus, besides their rich cultural background and natural intelligence, it is their sense of Hospitality and Tolerance.”
(Tata Nofuru Edmund )