Fighting the Corona Virus

I am Bertha Ndoh a nurse in Tennessee, USA. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, I understand the need to wear a mask. I made this video in my dialect ” Bakundu” for our fathers and mothers back home who do not understand or speak English, on how to make a mask with their wrappers. My hope is that watching your daughter in this video speaking in the language you understand, will make you believe and know the importance of wearing a mask.


An Overview

The Bakundu Cultural and Development Union, USA Incorporated (BACDU-USA INC.) is a not-for-profit 501(C)(3) organization. The creation of this organization grew from the experience and dreams of Bakundu elites in the United States of America dedicated to promoting culture and development especially in less privileged communities.

Our Mission

The mission of BACDU-USA is to bring meaningful development to the Bakundu Community leaving in and out of the United States of America while adhering to their rich and diverse culture. Guided by the needs of these communities, BACDU – USA shall pursue its mission with both excellence and compassion for the communities whom we serve deserve nothing less.

Our Objectives

The objectives of BACDU-USA are defined as follows:

  •  Work towards the provision of or proving access to and maintaining the language, culture and heritage of the Bakundu tribe.
  • Endeavor to provide access to and emphasizes on education for members of the Bakundu Tribe living in the United States and the Republic of Cameroon, West Africa.
  • Educate its members and all other members of the Bakundu Tribe living in the Republic of Cameroon, on the importance of preserving private property and creating wealth and prosperity for its people.
  •  Support access to adequate sanitary public infrastructure such as good water systems for drinking and hospitals and clinics; and also to provide education on good daily sanitation practices.
  •  Revive and conserve the Bakundu Culture as well as promote national and international solidarity amongst the Bakundus.
  • Educate community on being useful and law abiding citizens in the United States of America.

Annual Membership Dues

Management Executive Committee

Chairman / CEO Tata. Nathaniel Mbebe Bebe
Cultural Coordinator Iya. Catherine Nwengella
Secretary General Tata. Adolf Esimo Ebile
Assistant Secretary General Tata. Ferdinand Moiti Kinye
Treasurer Tata. Henry Namata Dienga
Chief Financial Officer Tata. Daniel Esoe
Public Relations Officer Dr. Elvis Moleka

Our Core Projects

News Updates & Publications

The Bakundus. – The beauty of the people.

“If there is one thing to acknowledge of the Bakundus, besides their rich cultural background and natural intelligence, it is their sense of Hospitality and Tolerance.” 

 (Tata Nofuru Edmund )

Our Sponsors and Partners